Warm Wishes this Holiday Season
THG2 Ultrasonic Welder
Small in size, powerful in application: Spot welding, staking, and ultrasonic cutting
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SimpleStake Handgun 2
Heat staking on demand with CleanRelease™ Technology, ideal for repairs and small jobs on sensitive electronics and painted surfaces
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Bringing joy to your projects with our efficient and cost-effective plastic assembly solutions.

ToolTex recently announced new SimpleStake - impulse heat staking on demand, with CleanRelease technology.

TX120 Servo Vibration Welder and Impulse Staking Demo
Thank you to everyone that attended the demonstrations of our NEW TX120 Servo Vibration Welder and Impulse Staking equipment!
If you were unable to attend but would like to learn more, CONTACT US

ToolTex introduces their new TX120 Servo Vibration Welder
ToolTex's Servo Vibration Welder features ultra-heavy construction. The servo-driven ball-screw actuated lift table is both rugged and precise with a capacity of 5000 lb of force and +/- 0.001” accuracy. Its welded steel frame construction is tuned for maximum isolation of vibration. This welder is ideal for welding engineered resins including elastomers and high fill content materials requiring hermetic seal.

ToolTex TX120 Servo Vibration Welder